Monday, December 23, 2013

Where is the Hope?

Having Hope when Life seems Hopeless

Each year we hear the Story of Jesus and His birth.   Usually my attitude is, yes, I know this story.  But this year the story touched me in a different way.  It put a perspective on the difficult times that we all face.  In those difficult times we may wonder “where is God?” and “why is this happening to me?”  

I often wondered if these thoughts crossed Mary’s mind.  It doesn’t say so in the Bible story.  She seems to take her situation in stride.  Is it her youth and naivetĂ©?  Or is this just how much faith she has in God?  

Consider this young woman, a girl, really.  She finds out she is pregnant and not yet married.  Her fiancĂ© says he will quietly divorce her.  Mary is facing the shame of being pregnant and single.  Her future is looking bleak.  How will she support herself?  What will people think?  Will she be an outcast of society?  Will she have to resort to prostitution to make a living to feed herself and her child?  Will her family reject her for assuming she has lost her virginity before marriage and shaming their name?  She is ruined woman for all practical purposes of the time.  

We do not read of Mary’s concern, but rather a Faith that God will provide.  She trusts Him and His plan even though she has no way of understanding what is happening to her.  God is faithful and keeps His promises.  Mary was exalted and blessed for her faith.  Through this difficult time, God used Mary for the ultimate plan of His salvation for us.  If God did this for Mary, He will also use our difficult times for His plans to bring us closer to Him, to become more like Christ and as a means of salvation for others.

This Christmas, as you are looking for reasons for joy but are stuck on something painful in your life, consider Mary.   What great plan might God have for you in your hopeless situation?  If you Believe and have Faith, He will use your difficult situation to grow you and bless you.

Hebrews 4:16  "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." 


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mini Bible Studies

These are few Mini-Bible Studies.  They are designed to be done as group, but certainly they can be done ahead of time and then have your group come together for a discussion.  If you are doing these as a group you will need 1.5-2 hours to complete one study.

These are excerpts from the Studies and you can enlarge the images by clicking on them.

What are Your Spiritual Gifts
This study contains a link to an on-line Spiritual Gifts test or it has the option to take the test manually in the Book.  It also has explanations of the gifts and examples of how they can be used to serve God in various ministries.

Current Cost:  With Spiral Binding $4.75 plus shipping.
                        With Staple Binding  $2.50 plus shipping.
contact Jeanne

Lord, Teach us How to Pray
This study takes you through the Lord's Prayer in a verse by verse style.  It is recommended that you have a variety of Bible Translations as you complete this one, including the King James Version.

Current Cost:  With Spiral Binding  $4.50 plus shipping.
                      With Staple Binding  $2.00 plus shipping.
contact Jeanne 

Angels Among Us 
Get out your colored pencils and have some fun with this study.  There is so much more to angels than could be covered in this short study, but, If you have never done a study on Angels, you may be surprised by what you learn.  This is a good study to complete before doing A Study of Revelation.

Current Cost:  $1.50 plus shipping.
contact Jeanne
FREE if you purchase another 6-10 week Bible Study.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

a Study of Revelation:

Finally a version ready for others to use of
A Study of Revelation:  
Living today, Preparing for tomorrow, Understanding yesterday

This ten week study focuses on how Revelation is relevant today and also how the Bible as a whole fits together.  As a means to better understand what you are reading in Revelation, most of the lessons spend one day looking in the Old Testament, a second looking at the New Testament, a third day in Revelation and a fourth day to put it all together.

An excerpt of Lesson 1 is provided to show the format of this study. 
Click on the image to get a larger view of the pages.
If you wish to purchase the entire study, please contact Jeanne at
Currently the cost is $9.50 plus shipping

A special Thank You to Karen Goetzinger for allowing me to use her beautiful art on the cover of the study. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Study of Mark

This Study of the Gospel of Mark looks at the life of John the Baptist, Jesus and His disciples.  There are discussions on why it is so difficult for those around Jesus to understand who He is and why he came to be our Savior.  This study takes you through the journey of His ministry, the struggles and victories, His teachings, His miracles, His purpose.

An excerpt of Lesson 4 is provided to show the format of this study. 
Click on the image to get a larger view of the pages.
If you wish to purchase the entire study, please contact Jeanne at
Currently the cost is $8 plus shipping

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Bible Study of 1 John

This is a 6 week study of 1 John.  As the questions are not age or gender specific it is a thought provoking and discussion lending study for anyone of any age.  It is meant to be used in a group study, where the members complete the week's lesson ahead of time and then come together for a discussion.  It also encourages weekly memorization of a Bible Verse.

 Teens, specifically, have found the 30-40 minutes required to complete each lesson realistic, along with their homework load and other extracurricular activities. It encourages them to be in God's Word on their own during the week.

You may view the Introduction and 2 of the lessons.  Click on the image to get a larger view of the page.
If you wish to purchase the entire study, please contact Jeanne at
Currently $8 plus shipping costs.