Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mini Bible Studies

These are few Mini-Bible Studies.  They are designed to be done as group, but certainly they can be done ahead of time and then have your group come together for a discussion.  If you are doing these as a group you will need 1.5-2 hours to complete one study.

These are excerpts from the Studies and you can enlarge the images by clicking on them.

What are Your Spiritual Gifts
This study contains a link to an on-line Spiritual Gifts test or it has the option to take the test manually in the Book.  It also has explanations of the gifts and examples of how they can be used to serve God in various ministries.

Current Cost:  With Spiral Binding $4.75 plus shipping.
                        With Staple Binding  $2.50 plus shipping.
contact Jeanne

Lord, Teach us How to Pray
This study takes you through the Lord's Prayer in a verse by verse style.  It is recommended that you have a variety of Bible Translations as you complete this one, including the King James Version.

Current Cost:  With Spiral Binding  $4.50 plus shipping.
                      With Staple Binding  $2.00 plus shipping.
contact Jeanne 

Angels Among Us 
Get out your colored pencils and have some fun with this study.  There is so much more to angels than could be covered in this short study, but, If you have never done a study on Angels, you may be surprised by what you learn.  This is a good study to complete before doing A Study of Revelation.

Current Cost:  $1.50 plus shipping.
contact Jeanne
FREE if you purchase another 6-10 week Bible Study.

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