Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Embrace what is

Embrace your children for who they are and what they can do.  When we can focus on the passions and abilities that each of our children has, it is then that we can take them on the journey of becoming the best they can be.  It is easy to see the limitations.  It is easy to focus on the, "if only".  It is way too easy to compare and compete.  But of what value is that?  There will always be someone who can do it better.  There will always be those that have more opportunities and more resources.  Look around, be creative, find the opportunities that do exist and that will strengthen the interests of your child. 

Be prepared that your child's interests will probably change over time.  Right now your 3 year old boy may be completely focused on trains.  Next year he may find his greatest joy is digging up every bug he can find and displaying it on the kitchen table.  

Watch your own motives.  Are you trying to fulfill your desires for your children or are you guiding them to reach their potential?  One of the biggest challenges as a embrace who our children are, not who we think they should be.